Israelense de origem etíope é a nova Miss Israel
A jovem Yityish Aynaw, de 21 anos, ex-oficial das Forças de Defesa de Israel, se tornou a primeira israelense de origem etíope a ganhar o concurso de Miss Israel. Ela chegou a Israel há dez anos, proveniente da Etiópia, onde havia uma grande comunidade de “falashas” (judeus etíopes).
“É importante que um membro da comunidade etíope tenha vencido esse concurso”, disse Yityish Aynaw aos repórteres. “Há muitas comunidades de diversas origens em Israel e temos que mostrar isso ao mundo”, completou.
Aynaw, que trabalha como vendedora em uma loja de roupas, citou o líder pacifista americano Martin Luther King, morto em 1968, como um de seus heróis. “Ele lutou por justiça e igualdade e essa é uma das razões pelas quais eu estou aqui. Eu quero mostrar que minha comunidade tem muitas qualidades, que nem sempre são mostradas pelos meios de comunicação”, completou.
Mais informações na notícia original, abaixo.
Ethiopian-Israeli wins Miss Israel pageant for first time
(JTA) — Yityish Aynaw, a former Israeli army officer, became the first Ethiopian-Israeli to win the Miss Israel pageant.
A panel of judges awarded the title to Aynaw, a 21-year-old model who came to Israel about a decade ago, at the International Convention Center Haifa on Wednesday.
“It’s important that a member of the Ethiopian community wins the competition for the first time,” she was quoted by Israeli media as telling the judges in response to a question. “There are many different communities of many different colors in Israel, and it’s important to show that to the world.”
Aynaw came to Israel with her family when she was 12. Acclimating to Israel was difficult at first, Aynaw said, but she picked up the language quickly with the help of a friend.
She has been working as a saleswoman at a clothing store since her army discharge.
During the competition, Aynaw cited the slain American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. as one of her heroes.
“He fought for justice and equality, and that’s one of the reasons I’m here: I want to show that my community has many pretty qualities that aren’t always represented in the media,” she said.